What is a switch?
Accessible switches allow for individuals to use alternative inputs to interact with electronic objects, such as a computer or switch-adapted toy. Commerical switches available are often expensive and non-adaptable.
To create affordable switches, the Switch Kit uses readily-available materials to create do-it-yourself switches. The base component of each switch is a mono audio-jack cable with two exposed ends for the switch to connect to. The switches are then made of different materials and conductive tape. We recommend using aluminum foil tape as it is more durable than other tapes, and is easy to find at your local hardware store.
Paddle Switch

Made primarily out of corrugated plastic (Coroplast), press down on the ends until the two pieces of plastic touch.
Pool Noodle Switch

Squeeze or press the pool noodle until the two pieces of conductive tape touch.
Tap Switch

The MakeyMakey is sensitive to conductivity -- this switch uses your body to complete the circuit. Tap the top of the container with your hand touching both pieces of tape. You can also grab a friend to create a chain where one person touches one piece of tape while the other person touches the other piece of tape, turn the switch on by giving each other a high five with your free hand. This switch only works with the input device.
Feather Switch

Tap on the top side to connect the aluminum foil or other conductive piece of material to the bottom piece of coroplast.
Soft Switch

Lightly tap on either side of the switch until the conductive tap touches the conductive foam that lies between. This switch only works with the input device.
Tilt Switch

A commercial ball-and-tilt switch is soldered to the end of the audio jack cable. Hold the wire, tape it to a headband, or wrap it on an arm. The swtich turns on when the unconvered metal end of the wire is facing up towards the ceiling.
Switch Instructions
Instruction manuals to build the switches for yourself.
Alternative access to switch instructions PDF.
Press down the conductive tape around the wires in the switch. This should resolve most problems.
Item |
Brand |
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Monoaudiojack Cable |
Digikey |
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Double-sided permanent foam tape |
Duck |
Link |
Aluminum Foil Tape |
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